Do You Know How Your System Works?

Let us provide a fire alarm system matrix in Grove City, OH

In the event that the fire alarm system is activated, your system and your building will begin the evacuation process and begin to shut down. In order to know if your fire alarm system will meet the needs of your current building needs, or if your building is going through some changes or upgrades your existing system or new fire alarm system will need to meet not only the State and Local fire codes but also protect your buildings occupants, infrastructures, equipment, and assets.

Let us work with you to provide a fire alarm system Sequence of Operation or System Matrix to provide a visual and graphical depiction of how your fire alarm system will function during an alarm condition. After an alarm signal is received by the main fire alarm system panel, the HVAC systems will shut down, the fire doors will begin to close to create a smoke barrier, the evacuation signals will begin to sound and strobe lights will start flashing. There are various systems that may need to be connected and interfaced with your fire alarm system. This graphical Sequence of Operations or sometimes referred to as a System Matrix will show you how your system will react and what systems and functions will do once there has been an alarm situation.

Contact us today to learn more about your fire alarm system in Grove City, OH, and surrounding areas.

Helping you understand your Fire Alarm System and how it works

Have you ever been asked, what happens after the system has been activated? Which building systems should be connected or interfaced with the fire alarm system? Will the building's Card key Access System unlock doors for evacuation?

There are so many different building types and uses today that there is not one matrix that will work for all of them. Whether it may be a Sports Stadium, Multi Floor High-Rise building, a Hospital, a school, Data Center, or your local daycare center, we can design them all. Taking into consideration each aspect of the building and what events or operations need to work first to last we can work together to ensure that everything integrates properly, seamlessly, and correctly.

A fire alarm System Matrix or Sequence of Operations will be designed with all the different building systems, HVAC systems, elevators/escalators, and various other systems that your building is required by State and Local codes to be turned on or completely shut down. At Bennet's Fire Designs, we will match up individual system inputs, alarm signals, and monitoring modules to an output tied to the fire alarm system. This may include, identifying the alarm at the main fire alarm panel display, turning on the building's notification appliances, or activating the building's Voice Alarm communications system. Simultaneously calling the monitoring agency to notify the local fire department, sending fire alarm information to building occupants, building management, and maintenance staff.

There are varieties of aspects to consider when designing your fire alarm system needs. We can work with you to identify each and every one of them and ensure that if in the event of a fire, an alarm situation is present, your detection system will react as it needs to. We will make sure that the design will not only meet the National, State, and Local code requirements but also be an early warning detection system for your building's occupants, to notify them that there is a potential fire or hazard within the building or protected area.

Understanding the requirements and how your system will react in the event of an alarm will ensure that the people in the building along with the systems, assets, information, and documentation are protected.

Give us a call today so we can begin working on a complete, detained, and graphical Sequence of Operation or System Matrix for your building's Fire Alarm System.

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