Find Out How Long Your Battery Will Last
We calculate run time for commercial fire alarm batteries in Grove City, OH
Commercial properties are required to maintain their fire alarm systems for at least 24 hours of standby time, and then an additional 5 minutes of non-voice and 15 minutes for a voice system in full alarm evacuation. If you need to ensure your system works correctly, Bennett's Fire Designs can help in Grove City, OH. Using a fire alarm battery calculator, we can determine how long your system will last during an outage and what batteries you should use to upgrade it.
Bennet's Fire Deisngs calculate the fire alarm system backup batteries for your system with sufficient capacity to power your detection system even after the power goes out. We meet the Nation Fire Alarm Code requirements and when possible design to incorporate an additional 20% spare capacity. We can calculate how long your system will last during an outage situation, make battery recommendations and work with you to find a fire alarm system batter supplier if needed.
Give us a call to discuss and calculate your system needs today.